Monday, May 23, 2011

Jejak Hari Ini

Lama sungguh blog ini tidak kujengah. Diam tak diam, telah beberapa bulan blog ini terbiar bersawang.

Kesibukan tugas seharian di rumah dan di pejabat membuatkan aku terlupa padanya. Hari2 bekerja amat padat. Hari cuti pula jadi "bibik" kat rumah.. maklum aje tak de maid..

Aku akan cuba singgah lagi untuk meninggalkan jejak..

Jumpa lagi!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How to ractify mistakes

Yeah, I had to decide things and carry out the decision. Be it about works, relationships, purchases, bla bla bla..  the list is growing longer each day... Sometimes I made the right one, sometimes not so right, and sometimes totally wrong.. The sour part is that :  it doesn't matter whether I acted upon the right, not so right or totally wrong decisions, still, sometimes the feeling of guilt lurking in my head as the aftermath of these 2 inter-related process.

Today is no exceptions.

The guilt I am experiencing is so disturbing.

I had purchased a vehicle for a business venture with a friend. The deal was that, my friend was to run the business, while I was to pay for the price of the vehicle and to provide the business capital. The business venture flop and the vehicle started to rot in my friend's garage. So, I decided to sell the vehicle to minimise my loss.

To sell the vehicle is a totally wrong decision, in my friend's point of view. I oppose that view. Followed by disagreements.. and thereafter arguments.  

Result : The vehicle is still sitting in the garage. But our friendship severed.

Accidentally, my desk calender for today has this quotation printed on it : "Admit your mistakes"....

I admit that not being hands-on on the business venture is a mistake.

I am still thinking how I must ractify the mistakes...

Mr Vee - My open secret love affair

Oh, so sweeeetttt..

While driving towards my work place this morning, I caught view of my Mr Vee. He was mine before, but no longer now...

Oh God, I found myself smiling...

I couldn't help remembering the sweet time when I first met Mr Vee a few years back. Though my husband was beside me, I could notice how handsome Mr Vee was under the hot June afternoon sun. I knew Mr Vee was loved before. I had also loved before. But I knew that time I just fall for Mr Vee.

We were together after that. When people see us being together for the first time, they said we were not compatible. You being so bulky, while I was petite compared to your size. But for us, it didn't matter what other people said, so long as we were together. Furthermore, when on the go, your built and size would make other people think twice before bullying me, which I loved most.

But good time had to last, at least in our case. Sigh....

I had to let you go after those 5 wonderful-turned-to-turbulence years.We were an item since June 2004, but on June 2009, I had to send you away. I could no longer stand the bills for keeping you with me.

I am sorry, Mr Vee. I need to move on. I am with Mr C now (or should I say its more appropriate to name it Miss City?).

I hope you will be loved better than the way I loved and cherished you . I know your new master would, because I realise that he has given you new look.  You looked fabulous in that beautiful metallic white colour, instead of the usual old blue-black tone you used to have on. I have to admit, I still keep your old self photos with me. But, goodby, Mr Vee..

Good-bye,  my old 1997 built Volvo 940...

(Hahaha.. dude, don't get pissed!)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Its wet again

This morning a friend of mine informed me that she was lucky for being able to get away from Tenang, Labis. Most of her friends are still stranded there due to the flood caused by days of heavy rain.

It seems that the monsoon has struck again, though a bit late from its usual timetable.

I still remember those days when wet seasons used to arrive at year end. So, November and December of each year are vacated from any outdoor plannings.But now it seems days of heavy rain can come outside the monsoon time.

I have experienced flood many times (inclusive of flash flood), being evacuated for several times and have to stay at the common hall for weeks. I even almost lost my life due to heavy current during flood while rescuing my school uniform. My, the vast natural swimming pool looked alike is so unpredictable...

I hope I'm more prepared this season..

Are you?

Think Time

Have you ever experience those times when you feel you're suffocated by a particular person?

You want a break, but she/he clings to you. The harder you want to run, the faster she/he comes after you. You cannot hide for she/he will always find you.

Where on earth will you go to?


It is worse when the person you're suffocated by her/his action is someone dear to you.


Don't be.

Will you tell what to do?

For someone is out of breath now...


Rumah Kampung


Selalunya bila kita sebut kampung, kita akan terbayang kehijauan persekitarannya, ketenangannya, masyarakatnya.. Macam-macam lagilah..

Namun, antara ciri-ciri kampung yang paling UM rindukan adalah ciri-ciri rumahnya.Rumah yang UM maksudkan adalah rumah kampung original, yang didirikan atas tiang daripada kayu, bertingkap terbuka, ada anjung..

Pada padangan UM, amat manis sekali rupa paras rumah kampung. Apatah lagi bila rumah kampung itu disekelilingnya landskap istimewa terdiri pohon kelapa, berjenis-jenis pohon buah-buahan dan dihiasi pula pokok-pokok bunga lama seperti pokok puding, bunga kertas, ati-ati dan macam-macam lagi. Rumah kampung sebegitu mengundang nostalgia ketika kanak-kanak dulu.

Tapi rumah kampung sebegitu dah semakin pupus hatta di kampung-kampung dan diganti dengan rumah batu yang didirikan terus atas tanah. Sama juga keadaanya di kampung UM sendiri. Rumah kampung banyak yang bertukar rupa kepada banglo seperti di bandar. Cantik, namun hilang ciri-ciri rumah kampung.

UM tidak pernah menghalang kemodenan mahupun menyalahkan mereka yang menukar rupa bentuk daripada rumah lama kepada rumah batu sebegitu.  Apatah lagi kini kos bagi membina dan menyelenggara rumah kayu lebih mahal daripada rumah batu.

Namun, UM berharap bagi mereka yang berkeupayaan agar meneruskan legasi rumah kampung, sekurang-kurangnya pada sebahagian rumah mereka. Sayang sekali jika cucu-cicit kita akan datang langsung tidak mengenali ciri-ciri rumah sedemikian.

Paling tidak pun, rumah kampung original sekurang-kurangnya dapat menenangkan hati pemiliknya jika dibina bertiang, terutamanya bila musim hujan lebat.. dan membuatkan pemiliknya tersenyum bila menerima bil elektrik setiap hujung bulan kerana penjimatan daripada menggunakan kipas angin atau pendingin hawa.


Gini la gaya orang yang dah tak de rumah kampung lagi!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hujan oh hujan

Hujan turun sejak malam semalam, kadangkala lebat kadangkala gerimis aje. Bila hujan diiringi angin, sejuknya memang la membuatkan mata terkelip-kelip selalu sebab menahan kelopak yang semakin memberat.

Hujan ada effect yang tersendiri pada Ungumaroon. Banyak peristiwa yang berlaku pada waktu hujan yang tak pernah gagal membuat UM tersenyum sendiri.

Peristiwa paling diingati adalah waktu UM belasan tahun waktu tu. UM dulu cukup suka bila arwah bapa ajak ke kebun. Satu hari tu masa kat kebun, hujan turun amatlah lebatnya. Berlarian-larian la UM dgn arwah bapa ke pondok kat tepi kolam tu. Lama tul tunggu, hujan tak berhenti2 jugak sedangkan hari dah makin lewat petang. Kelakarnya, arwah bapa ada bawa baju hujan, tapi ada kat bakul motor. Motor pulak letak nun atas bukit  +-100m dari pondok tu.

Arwah bapa mulanya suruh UM tunggu dlm pondok je, dia nak amek motor tu & dtg balik ke pondok amek UM, pas tu bole balik rumah. Chewahhh, UM dgn yakinnya cakap kat arwah, "tak payah la pak. Redah aje la ujan ni. Kita waterproof apa..."  So, kami pun meredah hujan ke motor dan balik ke rumah terus.

Nak tau, UM yang waterproof ni bila sampai rumah dah jadi macam statue of liberty, keras sebab kesejukan. Malam tu UM terus demam. Arwah bapak senyum meleret masa tengok UM telan panadol "la, tadi kata waterproof. Kok ni dah demam?".. hahaha, UM gelak sendiri... sampai sekarang UM tak leh lupa senyum arwah bapa waktu tu.

Sebab  tu hujan selalu buatkan UM tersenyum (melainkan kalau waktu hujan tu UM sedang memandu waktu malam, atau terperangkap dalam banjir kilat akibat hujan lebat, ha, waktu tu tak senyum sangat la).

Ni pun baru hujan. Emmm.. segarnya udara.. Eh, UM nak keluar menikmati kesegaran hujan lah... bye...